When you have several drivers in the family to insure, a group auto insurance plan is often the way to go for the best coverage and price. But there are a few steps that you should follow to make sure that you’re getting the best deal.
Make Sure Every Driver Is Insured
The first thing to note is that everyone in your household with a driver’s license must be insured, even if they only drive occasionally.…
Hail damage is a fairly common occurrence that may seem like just an annoyance. Unless your car is relatively new, a few superficial dings may not seem important. However, in some cases, you should file a claim and get your hail damage fixed. If you have a vehicle that’s been hit by hail, you need to carefully consider the circumstances.
If you don’t carry the right insurance, your hail damage will not be covered.…
Some people think that buying insurance for their cars is no big deal. Maybe so others say. The fact is that car insurance is an expensive deal. There are lots of issues that determine how much you’ll be asked to pay for premium charges, and you should also be mindful to take advantage of discounts that will benefit you. So when you decide on the insurance company you want to do business with, call your state insurance department and determine if the company and the agent are licensed to sell car insurance in your state.…