While home insurance is a necessity, not every homeowner understands their exact insurance needs. This can lead to a lot of frustration. Below are three mistakes commonly made by homeowners when purchasing insurance. This article also provides advice as to how they can be avoided.
1. Underinsuring Your Home
When you speak with an insurance agent, you may assume that they’re only in it for the sales and are trying to get you to buy unnecessary coverage.…
For a long time, whether you were considered a high-risk driver or not had little to do with your actual driving. That’s because insurance companies didn’t really have a way to tell how good of a driver you were; instead, they relied on general statistics like your age, the type of vehicle you drove, and even your marital status. Your own driving only came into it if you were in an accident and your premiums went up.…
You should always ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage for any car you are driving, including rentals. There are several sources of rental insurance offering various coverage at different prices. Here are four sources of rental insurance and the kind of coverage they may offer:
Automatic from the Rental Company
In many cases, you get automatic insurance cover (from the rental company) upon renting a car. However, such insurance is usually limited to liability coverage.…