Company Social Functions: What Are Your Risks?

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As an employer, you want to reward your employees with the occasional party. When you do make these arrangements, you need to be aware of liability issues that may arise. Even when your employees aren’t technically working, the company can be held responsible for certain problems.  Intoxication If you are serving alcohol at your party, you need to carefully monitor the state of your employees. In some instances, courts have held employers liable for negligence when their intoxicated employees left a party and caused a car accident.…

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4 Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance As A College Student

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Like most college students, you’re probably on a budget and could use a deal on your bills. Unfortunately, college-aged drivers often pay more on their car insurance because younger drivers are considered high risks by most car insurance companies. There are specific things you can do, however, to help mitigate this and slash your car insurance premium. Here are four ideas: Ask Your Parents to Add You to Their Insurance…

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3 Tips On Saving On Homeowner's Insurances

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Homeowner’s insurance is a great way to cover any number of issues that your home faces. These include protection from natural disasters to fire to even covering theft of objects inside of your house. However, coverage can get pricey for some people. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn a few tips on how to save on your homeowner’s insurance. Using The Same Carrier People that pay for homeowner’s insurance also tend to pay for other types of insurance, as well – for example, auto insurance.…

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