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Protecting Yourself And Your Family With Life Insurance

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You have a lot to worry about when you get married and start a family. There are a lot of items on your plate, and some things get pushed down until they just fall off your list. But life insurance should not be one of those items. Life insurance is probably the single most important thing that you can provide to your family. You don’t want to imagine the worst case scenarios - a world without your spouse or a world in which you die before reaching old age.…

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4 Types Of Insurance Your New Bar Or Nightclub Needs

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If you are just opening up a brand new bar or nightclub, before you let in your first clients, you need to make sure that you have all the correct insurance. Here are the top five types of insurance you need in order to protect your business.  #1 Commercial Property Insurance The first type of insurance you need to make sure that you have is property insurance. If you are renting the building, your contract probably requires you to have commercial property insurance.…

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Why Women Pay Less For Auto Insurance

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If you are looking for the best rates for your next auto insurance policy, there are some things that you need to know about the industry. More importantly, it is better for you to understand how these rates are being calculated, specifically when gender plays a factor. This said, below are a few factors that show why women tend to pay less for auto insurance. Accident Frequency It is important to note that women are more cognizant of wearing their seat belts when they drive while some men tend to neglect even putting them on.…

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Parking Lot Pitfalls

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Running errands, such as grocery stores runs, hair cuts for the kids and picking up the dry cleaning, are so routine that you could almost do them in your sleep. Visiting the same places over and over again can lull you into an almost hypnotic state, but this relaxed attitude can be dangerous. Parking lots are chock-full of other drivers and pedestrians. Read on for some tips on safely navigating parking lots.…

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3 Ways To Snag Insurance Discounts For Your Teen Driver

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If your son or daughter is a teen driver, you probably already know how costly insurance can be. Since teen drivers are more likely to get into car accidents than any other driver, insurance companies generally charge more to insure them. This can be a huge bust for your budget and can cost you a lot more than you can reasonably afford, but there are things that you can do. These are a few ways that you can snag insurance discounts for your teen so that you can save money on insurance costs.…

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Habits That Raise Your Dogs Probability Of Aggression

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Homeowners with dogs present higher risks to insurers than those who do not own dogs because of the threat of personal injury claims arising out of dog bites. For this reason, you are likely to face higher rates if you own a specific breed of dog than if you don’t have one. Moreover, dogs that have a history of aggression are likely to raise your insurance rates because of the associated claims.…

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Homeowners' Insurance: 3 Common Myths About A Standard Policy

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Many homeowners are not precisely aware of what is covered by their insurance policy. Before you sign the dotted line, be sure to go through the fine print to determine exactly what is excluded in your homeowners’ insurance policy. Misconceptions about your standard policy could result in you paying out of pocket for damage to your home or belongings or for injuries inside your property. To help you better protect your financial interests, this article will shed light on common misconceptions about homeowners’ insurance and give you advice on how to improve your cover.…

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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Insurance For Your Boat

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If you have just purchased a boat, you may think of approaching boat insurance in the same way that you buy insurance for your car. While there are some similarities, there are some mistakes that you need to avoid when you’re buying boat insurance. Here are some examples of mistakes that you may make as a new boat buyer: Thinking Your Boat is Covered on Land Many boat insurance policies only cover the boat when it is in the water.…

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4 Ways To Avoid Auto Insurance Hassles And Keep Chaos At Bay

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Looking to handle car insurance costs and lower risk on the road? Read on to figure out how you can protect yourself from roadside emergencies that can rack up your car insurance costs over time. Certain big insurers have made a huge advertising deal out of showing you some kinds of chaos or “mayhem” situations that happen on the road and everywhere else. But with car insurance (such as is offered by Jake Pembrook Insurance Agency), you have some of the power to control your own risk through common sense and reasonable driving practices.…

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3 Tips That Can Help You Spend Less On Car Insurance

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Car insurance is one of those expenses that you simply cannot eliminate from your budget. However, this does not mean that you simply need to accept whatever high price the insurance company quotes you. In fact, there are many steps that you can take to help lower your auto insurance rate. The tips outlined below can help you to accomplish this goal. Tip #1: Take The Time To Meet With Insurance Brokers…

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